

SoWe Lead is an advisory board made up of residents of Southwest Lancaster as well as community and organizational stakeholders. The board advises Tenfold, which is the lead agency for the SoWe initiative on the implementation of the Southwest Neighborhood Revitalization Plan. SoWe Lead are your neighbors, family, and friends in SoWe.

A SoWe Lead member chairs each of the four SoWe Committees; Housing & Economic Opportunity, Parks & Public Realm, Neighborhood Connections, and Community Safety. Committees are made up of residents, stakeholders, partners, and individuals with expertise in a relevant field. If you’re interested in learning more or joining a committee, contact Amos Stoltzfus at astoltzfus@wearetenfold.org or (717)358-9358.

The SoWe Collaborative is a formal partnership between Tenfold as the lead agency, Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County, Boys & Girls Club of Lancaster, Brightside Opportunities Center, Lancaster City Alliance, Lancaster Equity CDC, Lancaster Lebanon Habitat for Humanity, and Lancaster Safety Coalition. These organizations work to improve services and provide programs to the residents of Southwest Lancaster.

The board meets the 4th Monday of every other month at 5:30 p.m at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. All are welcome to attend. Check our events page for up to date event information.